Icon GuruShots - Photography

GuruShots - Photography

  • Photo & Video
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GuruShots - Photography

  • Photo & Video
4.8K ratings
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Gurushots Ltd
In-App Purchases

$0.99 – $9.99

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User Reviews for GuruShots - Photography

Lots of Fun and Rewarding

I see a lot of reviews complaining about in-app purchases and pay-to-win when this is in fact not the case. Yes you can buy swaps and other features in the app, however, you don’t need to do this in order to level up. Do your research, you get free swaps, keys, and more by just playing the game. Upload relevant photos for the challenges you join, vote, and you will do well. I have yet to buy anything in the app and am about to reach Champion level. This game also gives you a lot of feedback on your photos and gives you an idea of what photos you take are better than others based on votes and likes. You don’t have to be a pro, just be consistent within the app and join a team once you’re leveled up enough. It’s great to converse with other players and play in challenges as a team. I would like to see some alternative ways to communicate, maybe direct messages or something like that. Otherwise a really good app that can be lots of fun.

brayden0597, May 24, 2022
Fun but frustrating without in-app purchases

I am a Gurushots pioneer and have been with the company from the early stages. Back then, getting a Guru pick and getting a top 5% or 10% image was possible without the need to purchase fills, swaps and keys to unlock boosts. Now, with the number of people playing and the plethora of outstanding images, you won’t get to Guru without the help of these paid resources. Granted, I’m not so much faulting the app but rather stating that if you do not have a trove of outstanding pictures, don’t expect to make Guru or consistently place in the top 5%. I’ve determined that my images will never be good enough to win a challenge and make Guru. Someone should make an app that regular photographers can enjoy.I just received a response from the developer that the best way to get noticed and excel is by post stunning images and people will vote for the most impressive images.I am now adding to my original review and removing one star with one caveat based upon the developers response. Unless you have absolutely stunning images, I would skip this app. This feels much like survivor where you are voted off the island and you have to strategize about using swaps, boost and bumping up your visibility by voting consistently.

C.Delano Photo, Nov 08, 2022
Years on the app

The misleading money prize values has been resolved, tool bundles now just say what they are, in app tools. It seems the last update didn’t block me from playing without updating which is good cause I can’t afford a new phone just to play. Sooner or later I won’t have a good enough device to update. The beta battles tab needs to be either worked on or moved until it’s sorted out. It’s been so long with no activity taking place in the feature. Like driving past road construction that has no noticeable improvement. Report button needs far more options. There’s nowhere to report porn except “adult content” but adult content is allowed on the app and not necessarily being reported to get deleted. Porn removal should have priority over adult content reports. Nothing reported for porn should be voted on until reviewed and resolved, and anyone falsely reporting to sabotage should be banned. This would help prevent both the vulgar content and the abuse of the report feature. AI imagery is banned but there’s nowhere to report it making the ban meaningless unless enforced. There’s already people posting entire AI images and getting guru picks/top votes over genuine artists. The block feature is missing. No button exists to block another user but FAQ says there is. Following instructions to block someone leaves you in a wild goose chase. Please fix these issues.

Cheese on a stranded farm, Jul 30, 2023
It’s alright. A few pretty major issues though.

This app is pretty cool for photography, but there are a few (very fixable) problems. 1. They send wayyyy to many emails, just give me notifications. 2. There’s no way to search topics, hashtags, or keywords, only accounts. 3. The only way to get anywhere in a challenge is to either vote constantly to raise your exposure bonus which is incredibly time consuming and a solid 60% of entries are crap, or pay for more and more exposure boosts. 4. The app never loads ‘activity’ which means when a challenge ends you can’t see how you did if you pass on a notification. That’s all of my gripes honestly. I complain as much as anyone about in app purchases and it’s certainly a platform where you pay to win (if you have great photos) but it’s not so bad; it has problems but the are definitely fixable. I’m sure the support staff and server costs are through the roof for an imaging platform but if they can fit even one of problems into the budget I’d have a 99% higher chance of supporting them monetarily. It’s an awesome platform to gain exposure; though an option to link other platforms for cross exposure would be very nice and helpful for the true photography industry.

Christopher_Howard_Photo, May 10, 2019
Entertaining, Helpful, but Disappointing

This is a fun app that is a good way to progress your photography via incentive to produce images and quality as well as seeing examples and learning from others shots. It’s a good way to pass the time as well. However - the voting process is flawed. In order to increase your exposure and get votes you essentially need to vote for hundreds of images constantly. Nobody has time for that. What ends up happening is that you are not voting for the best photos, you’re simply voting for as many decent looking photos as you can as quick as you can. Which doesn’t bode well for you’re images and doesn’t end with he best images as the winners. Secondly, the only way to advance in levels (does it even matter?) is to get guru picks. This seems to be just about impossible. I’ve entered so many contests with so many photos and have yet to get a guru pick. I’ve ended up in the top 10-20% in many contests but have not gotten a guru pick. Finally, the app has been cleverly created with an algorithm for voting that gets you a bunch of votes quickly when you post an image, but then slows down. The only way to increase voting (and stay relevant on the leaderboard) is to swap images, which you eventually need to pay for. This I get, and don’t really have a problem with. In fact I think it is smart on the developers part. Just be warned.

Curban222, Oct 31, 2018
Appreciated and fun

I have been active in GuruShots for a little while now and have really enjoyed it. I have been getting heavily into photography for a bit and I’m enjoying using this app. I had taken lot of photos before using this, but this really did a solid job in helping me identify my topics and hone some skill. Those things I appreciate about this. I also definitely appreciate the ability to have an adult content filter on the photos. I have no desire to see scantily clad dressed women or nude people in general, and with this I have the ability to have that filtered out. I also appreciate the healthy amount of boosts that’s one is able to acquire if you are playing the game consistently. I also like the idea and desire to be able to have the ability to enter your artwork into exhibits around the world. I would really like to visit one at one point. All in all, this has been a pretty solid app. Crashes sometimes, especially when voting a lot in a single contest without submitting a bundle of your votes. Highly recommended to give it a shot 📸

Holtsartistry, Jun 03, 2019
It has soo much potential!

I’ve been an aspiring photographer for the past 7 years now. I do enjoy this app, as it allows me to see other photographers’ unique photos! It’s fun seeing the different challenges which allows for hundreds of different people to partake in, and I love how photos are edited, the main focus point, the angle of the shots, etc. But other times this app can also fall flat. Half the time most photos don’t follow the guideline rules set for each specific challenge (outdoor photos posted in indoor only challenges, colored photos in B&W challenges, etc), and sometimes these “professional” photographers take photos straight from the internet and pass them off as their own, which is frustrating. The amount of selfies and porn star wannabes I’ve seen is ridiculous and shouldn’t be applauded. (I do understand that forms of nude photography can be artistic, but you can clearly tell the difference between by how they’re composed, lighting, etc.)This app could be great, and a fun way for photographers to compete in these challenges if they’re taken seriously (as guidelines are made for a reason, otherwise what’s the point of them...)but until then I can’t rate GuruShots 5 stars until these issues are dealt with.

iagal2018, Aug 28, 2019
Amazing app! BUTTT!

I absolutely love this app! But there are a few things keeping me from wanting to continue to play. The rank up system is pretty bugged and never stays up to date. For example one of the things I had to do to rank up to the next level was have x5 successful swaps. Well i had far surpassed the 5 mark and had probably around x10 successful swaps all together. But I noticed none of them where counting towards my progression. Well I didn’t think much of it until I got a notification later on that night saying I had ranked up. All though I completed all the tasks earlier that morning. Same thing is currently happening as we speak. I need to hit premier level 10 times to level up. Well I’ve hit premier probably 20 times in the last 2 days alone and none of them are registering and it still says I need them to level up. So it’s almost like the app can’t keep up. And my second complaint is the rank system all together. I feel like it’s a good idea, yet flawed at the same time. Someone could post a pic of a booger and it would rank high just because people spam it just to boost their own post. Which means over time a person with a page full of booger’s could potentially rank all the way up just because of the way the boost system is set up. Love the app, just would also love to see it tweaked a bit.

itisry, Jan 12, 2019
“Pay to Win” ruins yet another, otherwise great experience

Started playing, and thoroughly enjoy discovering others beautiful photos, while being discovered at the same time. It feels great to get 300 vote-ups on a picture you’re proud of, and its so fun, and a great pastime, swiping through neat works by everyone else, too. However, after completing challenges at elite and all-star level, and gaining GS points (which are like an experience value), I was excited to move up to Challenger level, knowing I had all the requirements to do so. But then I noticed I needed to make 2 more successful “swaps”, which is a paid for ability in-game, that allows you to swap a photo out for another in the middle of a challenge, in order to enhance how many votes you might get. But I can’t do this, because I only have one swap, not two. Now, granted, its a small in-game purchase to get one swap, and I wasn’t unaware of the fact that this game offered in-game purchases in the first place. The problem I have with it, is the next level, I’ll have to complete five successful swaps, which I will have to pay for, yet again. Its very frustrating, to complete requirements for level advancement, but lack one thing which is just a money grab. Anyway, regardless of this, I will happily continue to play. Its a great concept and game experience, for those who love color palettes and photography. Get it – its fun... and frustrating.

Jashalee02, Dec 13, 2020
Gave It a 4 out of 5...

I gave the game a 4 out of 5 because there are so many different ways to get to the top. Granted you need a good photo. Someone like myself and my fiance who are new to photography completely,( Xmas gifts were Cameras ) we have learned from others. Like what to do and and not to do when it comes to picture taking. The competitions have forced Us to go beyond what we would take pictures of normally. From the most simple to the more complex photo. At 1st we were expecting magic to happen when we would take our shots, but soon enough we figured it out that not only must you take an initial great shot, but also ( we call it tweaking picture ) you have to tweak the picture to get that result you were trying to capture and more. I did not give it all 5 stars is because, if you boost.... you get more votes and this is just a way for the ”Guru People” to make there $$ and unfair for the competitors. But overall the game is fun, creative, addictive and, challenging 😎😳Just don't expect to get famous 😎😄Keep up the good work. Thank You, Sam The Butcher.

LordSam76, Jul 28, 2020


GuruShots makes your photography more fun, exciting and rewarding. Join our photography community with over 7M photography lovers from around the world and take your photography to the next level. Discover incredible photos taken by some of the world’s most talented creatives, ranging from mobile creatives to hobbyists and photography professionals.

Grab a camera and join the game! Inspire and get inspired, learn photography, develop your own style and get the exposure you deserve. Enjoy fun and challenging gameplay that will test your creativity. PLAY Choose from 300+ new themed photo challenges every month. Submit your photos and find out how good they really are. Gain votes on your photos and level up the ranks to achieve the ultimate title of Guru. Experience a new way to share photos. Capture fresh photos with your camera or dust off photos you already have and compete against others in the world’s greatest photography game. Boost your photos, fill the exposure meter or even swap a photo to gain maximum exposure and win the challenge. What’s your strategy? TRACK Track your progress in real-time throughout the game. Vote on other players’ photos, collect votes and see how you rank compared to others. Your voting power increases with every level. ACHIEVE Improve your photography and sharpen your camera skills through gameplay. Earn badges, collect achievements and get recognition for your photography. Receive instant feedback on your photos from photographers around the world who share their knowledge and help you become a better photographer. TEAM UP Join a team or create your own and take on challenges together! Participate in team vs team matches. Chat with other members and track your team score in real-time. Move up Team Leagues and win bigger prizes! SHOWCASE Submit your photos to an exhibition challenge for a chance to showcase your work in international photo exhibitions. Connect with fellow photography enthusiasts from all over the world. Over 100,000 GuruShots members have already exhibited their photos. Special magazine challenges give you the chance to get your photos featured in leading online and printed photography magazines. GuruShots is a one-of-a-kind photography community with members at any level from mobile creators to DSLR camera photographers. Download the app or enjoy it on the web for free. Let the fun begin! SOCIAL MEDIA www.gurushots.com/ www.facebook.com/gurushots www.instagram.com/gurushots www.youtube.com/user/gurushots

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