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Dandan Chen
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User Reviews for GVM LED

You can use both lights if you set it up correctly

So after about 2 minutes we figured out if you set light 1 to master then light 2 to slave you can then change your master to app. This will allow you to use both lights in app in master/slave made. However you have 2 lights and might want to have them set as 2 different colors or output. So you’ll want to set your light to exactly how you want it then change your channel (in app) to say 1. This will now allow you to change the light independently from the other one. If you need to change the slave light you’ll need to change your master back to channel 2 then make your adjustments. Once you’re done then simply change your channel in app again to change your master light. This is actually pretty freaking cool!!!

Cherie B ~ Photog, Apr 23, 2021
Login? Are you kidding me?

So I am on set and suddenly discover that I am now required to login to the app to use it. (Never had to do that before.) You have got to be joking. I try to register and login and it fails. I try it again with a different email address and it fails too for no reason whatsoever. This is an extremely frustrating user experience, not to mention a little embarrassing. So now I am simply stuck in the app. Can’t skip the password and do it later because it just says it failed. Don’t developers test this stuff before inflicting it on users? Now I have to live with limited capabilities because I can’t login to the app to control it. Do your users a favor and IMMEDIATELY drop this superfluous email harvesting feature. Your app was seamless and worked well before, please go back to that.

ct_lewis, Dec 06, 2021
Horrible User Experience

When I first bought these lights they was perfect, it wasn’t until they made you register that the user experience went to the toilet, ok so now I have to register… fine… I could have got over that, but after jumping through hoops to register, the login wouldn’t even work!!!! So now I’m stuck with over $1000 worth of lights that I bought because of the remote functionality and now I can’t use them, with over 10 years of experience in video this is truly a disappointment, at very least till back the app to where you didn’t have to register or give a opt in function for people that truly want to give that data to help because ironically the developer makingYou log in is killing the user experience!!

FocusOK, Nov 05, 2021
Intrusive ads, unnecessary account to control LOCAL device

Every time you launch the app, you have to sit for several seconds to watch a full screen ad before you can control the lights you already paid forFor an app that claims in their privacy controls to not collect data, it forces you to create an account even though these lights are Bluetooth, not network connected; so the account is just there to collect your data and likely sell better ads targeted at youBeyond those flaws, the light I have is RGB and White, but the layout is clunky. You can’t power on the light from the color screen. You have to go to white first, turn it on as white, then go to the color screen and pick a color The lights are cheap, but even for cheap lights it wouldn’t be hard to write a better app.

Furahi, Sep 23, 2022
Simple control interface, developers are very proactive

I think the app has improved a lot over the last few months. If there is a feature you think it is missing, you should email the developers to let them know about it. For instance, I own four LED lights and I wanted to be able to give a nickname to each one within the app. This functionality was added within a month after I made the suggestion. Overall, the app gives me all the functionality that I need to remotely set the light level of my four LED lights from my cellphone. I never had any connectivity issues. For those reasons, I think that the negative reviews this app has received in the past are not representative of the current app version.

Marc Bégin, May 17, 2022
Haters gonna hate

There are so many reviews complaining about registering the app with an email and password. What’s the big deal? That’s just modern life! I registered the app, connected to one of the lights and was able to control every function easily. Unless I hit some sort of gotcha down the road, I am giving this app full marks for simple and effective functionality.

mr.N0ah, Mar 10, 2022

In terms of versatility the GVM lights are amazing. This easy to use app does a great job unlocking the many features of the GVM lighting system. Any function available on the lights can be called up and accessed from the app. In master/slave mode the app can also control other lights as long as those lights are required to mirror the characteristics or settings of the master light. Overall, the GVM lighting system with app is impressive.

P Whatzit, May 07, 2021
Stinks on Ice!!!

The lights were nice… until the app screwed everything up. I keep seeing the developer responding to people that are trying to explain to these clowns that WiFi and Bluetooth aren’t the same. The guy just keeps repeating that they HOPE to improve the product for this “NEW BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY.” NEW!?!?!?!?!? I think we should all get together and start a class action lawsuits against the company and report them to every appropriate consumer advocacy agency. This company needs to go away. And please, Mr. Developer, don’t insult me by copying and pasting your generic apology. Just start looking for another job.

ThrillbotMedia, Dec 28, 2021
AWESOME LIGHTS, App needs more

Well this app allows you to control a single light via a Bluetooth connection which gives you a terrific response! However you can only connect one light to this app. The other lights you have to put into slave mode and make sure that they’re all on the same channel.Kinda frustrating because it would be nice to control each light independently. Also, the scenes that they provide are limited to 8. They give you the ability to save your own scenes but give you very little options to really customize your scenes.Seeing how these lights are fairly new to the market, I’m remaining hopeful that the developers will add more functionality to the app like:- Being able to preprogram a scene with colors that we pick and having the ability to choose the sequence and flash rates- The ability to connect multiple lights at once and control each light independently - Expanding the available color wheel space. The current colors are limited I highly recommend these lights for your video production jobs! Your clients will love them! Once the app gets polished, this will be the best choice in videography lighting on the market!

Topherboy1981, Feb 04, 2021
They won’t fix the app I decided not to buy the lights

I was just about to buy some of these B&H top sellers until I checked the app to be thorough and saw a ton of 1 star reviews. I decided to check for myself if the log in error still existed even after a couple updates since the 1 star reviews had been initially posted. I thought they fixed this massive issue so I was optimistic but no they didn’t. The app will not let you log in. If you thought you’d get the app with the lights you won’t. Only the lights. This app is bricked.

XxTheMadTitanxX, Mar 25, 2022


This is a software that can control the photography lamp. The app controls the photography lamp product with app function under GVM through Bluetooth connection.

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