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  • Photo & Video
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  • Photo & Video
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Alamy Limited
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User Reviews for Stockimo

Testing review complaints, review is a work in progress.

Testing out some reviews, someone said there’s a uploading bug. This isn’t completely accurate, It seems unlike other apps, if you loose signal for just a second it doesn’t pause and continue when reconnected. Instead it fails and you have to restart your submission, So it’s just rather low tech. My WiFi couldn’t handle the uninterrupted signal so I switched to data and got my photos uploaded. I did notice some low quality images (that looks like an infant played with someones phone camera) approved, and apparently liked by customers which aligns with the complaints I read in reviews. Still, I won’t call time of app death like others do until I check for a pulse and do a little CPR. Fingers crossed it’s a diamond in the rough, I would really enjoy this app if it’s professional enough. Update: so far my bad images were rejected as expected, and my good ones were accepted. I would like to say I’m surprised my bad images were actually rejected considering the worse images I’ve seen “liked by customers” that obviously had been approved previously. However they judged me on a professional skill level which I appreciate. I just wish they judged everyone’s skill the same.

Cheese on a stranded farm, Mar 22, 2021
Waste of time

It’s just annoying that they keep rejecting every single photo i uploaded. I wonder how they rate the photos because the 20-ish photos I uploaded were either a 2.0 or a 1.7. At first I thought to myself that my photos were just not good enough, but then I uploaded a photo without editing it, and uploaded the same one with a lot of editing and improving (contrast, brilliance, etc.), which produced a drastically better photo. Both got a 1.7. Like WTH. And if you look at the “favorite” part many are crappy. So either I’m really that bad at taking photos or they got really bad taste.

cl2bear, Mar 08, 2018
The app is fine, not sure about the whole scheme.

Unlike many people here, I don’t seem to have any problems with the app—it does what it’s supposed to. It might be nice if it worked better with multiple photos, and allowed cut and paste of tags. I just wish it was actually integrated with Alamy and my account there. It’d be one thing if they were two separate systems, but the Stockimo images are all there side by side with the regular Alamy ones, being sold the same way, but they might as well be another user’s completely. And the insistence on DSLR photos for Alamy and iPhone photos for Stockimo is weird and kind of pointless (current iPhones take as good or better photos than many older DSLRs)—I find myself trying to remember which camera I used to take some older pics. Most of my photos have been accepted and in general the ones that haven’t have had legitimate issues—but so have some that have been accepted. The ratings seem a little arbitrary but at least the system isn’t as punitive as Alamy’s. I haven’t made any money yet but honestly haven’t had much uploaded for very long. Anyway, works fine but not loving the whole set up—I wish they’d just merge it with Alamy.

Elakazal, Nov 03, 2019
Fun and easy!

I’ve been using this app without any problems for about two years. Uploading is easy and photos are rated within a week or less. One nice feature is you can edit your keywords after images are accepted. I have made decent sales too!

iphonephotos123, Jul 15, 2021
It’s OK

I’ve been a photographer for Alamy for seven or so years and when they released this app I was very excited at the prospect of adding to and building my stock portfolio quickly as I like shooting with my iPhone. Unfortunately the Alamy and Stockimo systems are completely different and I’ve been disappointed that only certain types of photographs have been accepted through Stockimo. The choosing of images seems to become very random and sometimes I just don't want to have my time wasted. It takes effort to edit, caption, and keyword the images that are highly likely going to be rejected. It also means that I still have to carry around my big DSLR.

kkradel, Jul 10, 2018
Works well

I have gradually uploaded photos and had around 600 accepted over the past year or two (probably around half of my pics are accepted to be put up for sale). I’m averaging around $20/month in sales (ranging from just a few bucks to over $100). Probably not going to become a major source of income, but my experience has been pretty good.

Lisapics, Dec 31, 2018
Jury’s still out...

I find the app easy to use, if a bit redundant. I do wish there was a way to add tags you have used recently a little easier rather than starting from scratch each time. I find the rating system, however, curious and extremely inconsistent, as if it is more personal opinion than a consistent standard across the board. That would explain the inconsistencies. I have never had a photo rejected, but that in itself to me is curious. Also, the Instagram account is what has made me really question the legitimacy of the company. If you look at Getty, for instance, everything looks professional, clean. Stockimo Instagram is haphazard and... confusing. They feature photography that is laden with filters and obscurity, the kind of thing a kid would do. And, if that is their brand or style, then ok, you would know what they are looking for, but it’s not just that. They go further and feature photos that are so vague and honestly look as if someone accidentally hit the shutter while fumbling with their phone, and not in a cool, unexpected way, but in a “you really should have just deleted that” sort of way. 😬 There are some really profound pictures too though, so, yeah, I am always left scratching my head a bit. 🤔 Jury’s still out...

owat118, Mar 07, 2020
Lots of work needed

This app is very inconsistent in performance. Network connection is often weak (only with this app), and the upload does not consistently allow easy access to photos in albums or library. Very hit or miss. I have had to delete and upload multiple times to kickstart it again.

Puerto2014, Jun 08, 2021
New user

This app will only accept photos taken from iPhone 4 or higher. I’m trying to upload one photo a day because when I tried to upload the second photo it failed. I’m glad that my first photo was rated 3.7, so I have now one photo available in the market. Also there’s no option to edit the tags unlike in Alamy.

SAcenas, Apr 10, 2019
Waste of time and space on my phone

Uploaded a group of photos and A MONTH later, still haven’t been rated. Now I’m not sure of the legalities of using them on other sites. I emailed them and was told a generic response of it would be a little longer than normal because of high submission rates recently, but A MONTH?! I’d like info on how to revoke my pictures and licenses for this site. Stockimo did not keep up their end of the deal and I’d like to be able to use a couple of those photos exclusively on sites who do as they promise.

sesakaso4, Nov 22, 2018


The free app that turns your iPhone photos into cash Use Stockimo to upload your photos and we’ll sell them on Alamy, the world’s largest website for picture buyers, where images sell from $1 to $20,000. Stockimo is the first choice app for creative people who take photos using their mobile phones, want to make money and showcase their work to a global audience. Alamy already knows how to sell pictures, paying out $140M to photographers since it began, so you’ll be joining an established global marketplace where photos sell.

Shoot what you love and be as creative and adventurous as you like. Submit interesting places and people and of-the-moment photography that documents the world. What you take is up to you! Uploading is so quick you can turn a spare moment into spare cash. How it works: Upload your smartphone photos Describe each image with a caption and tag key features and concepts to be used as ‘keywords’ to help customers find your photos Submit and get your photos rated Photos are rated out of 4, if you get an average score above 2 the photo gets in If your photos are accepted, they’ll go on sale at Alamy.com and its distribution network The app will tell you when your photos sell You’ll get paid your share every month if you’ve made over $10 There’s an early bird offer where you’ll earn 40% commission on every sale, after that it’s 20%. You keep the copyright, your photos stay on Alamy to sell again and again. Key features: Free Unlimited uploads Very simple to use Upload filtered images, including photos taken with other apps (Instagram, Hipstamatic, Snapseed etc) Images get rated by photo experts Build your portfolio and put your creativity to the test iPhone 4s and above

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