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RAW Power

  • Photo & Video
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RAW Power

  • Photo & Video
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User Reviews for RAW Power

Free photo editing apps offer more...Very Unhappy

So we bought this app to help with our photo editing. We bought it with the expectation that basic photo editing like brightness, saturation, contrast, cropping, temperature, and other basic tools like that would be available. Imagine our shock when your asked to PAY for the ability to crop, adjust white balance, or convert to black and white.Apps like Snapseed offer these tools, free! We only bought this app mainly for the ability to “batch edit” photos. Which is the only option that Snapseed doesn’t have. I’m definitely not happy with all of the a la carte buying that your forced to do. I understand that developers want and need to make a profit, but fleecing your users for $1.99 here, and $1.99 there for basic photo editing features? Not okay at all! They do offer some of the basic editing tools “bundled” with one or two of the more “advanced” features. That’s really underhanded.

ApplegeekNV, Sep 10, 2019
No Direct Editing in iCloud Files Locations (other than with Apple Photos), No Healing Tools

I was about to dump LR in favor of using a completely mobile, iOS process with RawPower, and just discovered that all edits need to happen in your local Files storage on your device. Seems RawPower has to download the files locally to effect edits. Of course, if you use the Apple Photos app to manage your assets within RawPower, then RawPower edits can happen “in the cloud”. But that’s not what I’m looking for. Also, as many others have mentioned, the lack of healing tools is a huge letdown. I really like this app, but without those two features (direct cloud editing w/o Apple photos, and healing), its just not ready to be a serious replacement for LR. Its a shame.

arg245, Apr 03, 2021
Adjust tools on the left on landscape iPad? Whose idea was this?

EDIT: I complain below about the Adjust tools being on the left, but I did not realize they can be moved to the right if you move the Info panel first (!). This is terrific, even though it's not completely intuitive (it doesn't seem you can move the Adjust panel). This app works great for me now. Thanks guys! Original critique follows, for posterity. I'm an iCloud Photo Library user, and I really like how this app seamlessly integrates with it. I also shoot Pentax and Olympus RAWs, edit on 2017 iPad Pro 12.9, and with this app I don't have to think about importing and exporting like I do with the competitors' apps. I want to use this app simply for how friction-free that experience is. But in landscape mode the Adjust tools are on the left. WHY??? Roughly 90% of the population is right handed. Putting the Adjust tools on the left means 90% of the population has to reach to the other side of the screen, blocking the content they're trying to manipulate. Plus, it's uncomfortable, even when using a Pencil. Bad design decision, guys. Did the devs try this use case? Is the CEO left-handed? Devs, please move the Adjust tools to the right side, or at least make it a user preference setting. If the tools were on the right, I'd pay to unlock. As it is now, editing with this UI is cumbersome. Thank you.

bobdobbs1999, Nov 16, 2017
Lot of potential. Good start.

This app has a lot of potential. I am a former Aperture user and really appreciate the control it provides. I recognize it is an early version. 1. When I save, the only choice it gives is to save over the original. I am a travel photographer and often like to create different versions of some shots. Very frustrating when there is no “save as” option. That is essential for me. 2. Will you consider the Addition of a perspective tool? Another tool I find essential as a travel, historic and landscape photographer. An excellent start, but not yet complete enough for my needs. Oh and thanks for allowing the trial (but not save) use of the buyup options. That is a nice touch. Good to support cloud services but don’t get carried away with that. Much of the world still does not have reliable internet and cloud services and sync are not options. I have internet where I live but it is heavily “data capped” preventing any regular use of cloud services. (If I turn on either Apple or Adobe cloud services, my entire monthly data allowance will be consumed in a week or less). Remember that your market is global and not restricted to a few “1rst world countries”. I like what I see in RAW Power, but not there yet for my needs. I will be following your progress. Thanks for creating this app. I’ll be following it in hopes it will evolve to my needs.I still miss Aperture. Nice to see the core tools are back.

David247, Dec 10, 2017
Love the app

I have been a Lightroom user for so many years, and recently I have been trying to move my workflow to use iPad without any luck until I found this wonderful app. I love how I can import my images to either photos or files app and flag, rate my pictures. I just have a couple suggestions to make, would be wonderful if we could have a folder system on the files part of the app, that way we can organize by events. As of right now the only bad thing about the app is a weird bug where the sorting option is not working, on the settings there’s an option to force sort by creation date but when I deselect that it still do the same. Would be very cool if we can sort by name.Edit: woohoo we just got HSL color edit feature plus other good stuff on an update, I love how this app gets better and better

frost-kaxt, Nov 20, 2020
Learning slowly...

I just recently purchased the few items not included in the free version, felt I was missing part of the ability to edit my photos. Should have been included in the original free version but I suppose somebody’s got to pay these guys for their work...At any rate I’m slowly learning what each adjustment slider does, some are quite a bit more evident than others. No I’ve not read the instructions as of yet, I’ve got eight years of photo editing to my credit however this is a different system thus it’ll take a bit of trial and error to iron things out just like the Snapseed and NIK systems did. Pretty much pleased with my results thus far although sometimes the RAW module adjustments seem nearly impossible to manipulate back to the way I remember the scene.

hughfwolfe, Oct 15, 2018
Super Buggy…but has potential

I am no pro by any means. I’m mainly commenting because of some general issues the app displays:1. Zoom in on an image, and it jumps to some other part of the photo. It is impossible to zoom in on any part of the image without it moving to some other part.2. After the application of 2 or more changes, the app quits and no changes have been saved, causing a complete start-over of the editing process. This is just frustrating. If the answer is to have to do a manual save every 5 seconds in order to not lose your work…the app should be pulled and re-worked.3. Some combination of slides cause the image to show nothing but data lines. I haven’t found a consistent pattern of sliders to report as a bug, but so far this has happened on every image I’ve tried editing.Overall: the potential is there, but much like the majority of Apple products these days, there is a rush to release and be “first”. The embedded Photos app interaction is great! My hat is off to Gentlemen Coders for developing this, but it definitely needs work OR better tutorials. I have starting logging in the app and will be submitting the logs to try and help. As of right now, I wish I would’ve kept my $10.

idhawkdrvr, Feb 05, 2023
Great potential but needs UI improvement

I love the idea behind the app, I wish it well. I even purchased the $4.99 upgrade… but… I have a few issues with it that I hope for their sake they can fix before something better comes along and steals their thunder.The UI is clunky and needs work. You can tell it was designed by an engineer ;) I find myself constantly battling against it. For example: it’s impossible to see the entire Curves graph and RGB channels at once. Crazy. There’s also no feedback on the bottom icons to indicate which mode you’re in. They just all stay white all the time.And that Gill Sans like font is pretty ugly. I thought this was designed by a former Apple guy. Why not just use the standard Apple UI toolkit? Or at least follow their guidelines closer. No need to reinvent the wheel just to be different. Especially if it gets in the way of the experience.Also, from a functional perspective, an ‘Auto’ command, like Lightroom or Apple Photos would be a great thing to have. Even if the command is not perfect, it’s usually a good starting point.I mean no disrespect. I want this app to succeed and be a nice place to hang out and edit pics, but at the minute it’s a little ugly and rough around the edges.Despite all this, I have been happy enough with the editing results, so I think a few cosmetic changes to the UI could work wonders.

Mark Paterson, Jan 02, 2018
Real editing tools for the iPhone

I’m a professional photographer and cinematographer and I have been test driving the iPhone X to see if I can create publication quality images with the dual camera. Out of the box, I was hugely disappointed with the file quality—too contrasty, nasty blotchy noise reduction. So I started exploring manual camera apps and discovered Obscura. Just locking down exposure and focus controls made a huge difference, but the raw format option is what got me excited. Enter RAW Power and now I can shoot properly exposed files and optimize them in a raw, lossless workflow, all on the iPhone X. Brief list of awesome features:-True raw, lossless workflow (you can reopen after saving and make adjustments, all the original data is still there.)-True WB temp and tint controls (not one-dimensional warmth)-Separate raw and post tone and sharpness controls.-Four channel RGB curves with blending control. Yes, real curves. -Copy and paste adjustments from one file to another.-Intelligent and intuitive layout/workflow.Things that could be better:-Thin, small caps typography is ugly and not very legible. -Sliders use touch controls only, so hard to fine tune WB tint. Would be smart to have a plus and minus button on either end for incremental steps.- Export vs save options not clearly defined or documented.On balance this is an amazing tool.

paperscenery, Apr 24, 2018
I like where this is going

I like where this is going and see a lot of potential in it, which is why I purchased the pro tools to support the effort. I like the fact it works as a plug-in to Photos and saves back to that library instead of its own library. I purchased 2TB of iCloud storage and that is how I store and synchronize most of my pictures now. I edit a lot on my iPad Pro now, but would like to hand off and edit on my Mac with the same tools. And as someone who LOVED Aperture, I am glad to see a company that would like to give us that experience again. That said, there are some things I will need to make it my main editor. First, it needs a vignette tool. If it could add an inner glow like some other editors while making a darker edge vignette that would be great. I also need the ability to brush the adjustments in, preferably in layers but at least with multiple spot adjustments. Brush compatibility here with the Apple Pencil would be essential. An example of why this is need is when making shadow adjustments, sometimes a global shadow adjustment will simply not work as usually there are some shadows you want to keep, while others you need to get more detail out of. Anyway keep up the good work and if it gets better I will certainly use it more and promote it.

PatriotUSA, Aug 19, 2018


OVERVIEW — ADVANCED RAW: Unlock the power of Apple's RAW engine with easy-to-use controls. Develop images with the same outstanding RAW processing in Apple’s Aperture professional photo app. Unique adjustments let you improve your images in ways that can't be done in any other app. — ORGANIZE: RAW Power is a complete photo app to organize and manage your photo library.

Fully compatible with iCloud Photo Library, so all changes are synced. Every image and every change is available to every app on your iPhone or iPad. — RATE & FILTER: Filter albums by file type, rating, flag, and edit state. Ratings and Flags sync over iCloud Photo Library! — FILES.APP: Store images in the Photos library or Files.app. Use our new Share extension to import from other apps directly into RAW Power’s Files container. Same non-destructive editing, rating, and filtering features! (iCloud syncing is not supported). — NOT JUST RAWs: RAW Power is great with JPEGs, with many tools missing from the Photos app. Plus an innovative Depth Effect for photos shot on iPhones with a dual camera system. — EDIT CROSS-PLATFORM: Edit on iOS and continue on the Mac (or vice-versa) using RAW Power 3 for macOS.
 — BATCH PROCESSING: Apply presets, paste adjustments, and export multiple images. Export to the photo library or to Files.app. ORGANIZATION AND DISPLAY — Zoom up to 800% for extremely precise adjustments. — Create and rename albums, delete images from albums and the library, and move images into albums. Full access to your folder hierarchy. — Display file name, exposure information, flash status, and location with a map. REAL-TIME EDITING — Full non-destructive editing. All changes stored in the iOS Photo Library and iCloud Photo Library, so you can edit on one device and continue on another, without loss of quality. Even between Mac and iOS! — Optimized for small screens. Choose which adjustments to show by default and in what order — Unparalleled highlight recovery with Boost and Recovery sliders. Real-time control of Apple's RAW engine, including Noise Reduction, Black Point, Gamut Mapping and more — Auto Enhance, Auto White Balance, Auto Levels and Auto Curves. Apply them to multiple images at once! — Apply presets, and Copy / Paste Adjustments to one image or many — Histogram with Clipping Indicators and Hot Pixels Overlay — LUTs (Look up tables) with built-in looks and film simulations. Add your own! — Crop and Straighten, Rotate and Flip, White Balance with sampler and auto — Highlights, Shadows, Vibrancy, Local Contrast and incredible Lighten and Darken sliders — Curves and Levels. Curves has Linear and Lab modes, and samplers — Depth Effect to enhance photos shot with the dual camera system — Chromatic Aberration to correct lens artifacts, Perspective, Black & White, Vignette with a controllable center point — All sliders are real-time and GPU accelerated — High-precision, deep color imaging engine — Export JPEG, PNG, and TIFFs (8- and 16-bit) to Files.app or Photos.app COMPATIBILITY — Compatible with hundreds of cameras, including iPhone RAW images. (EXTENDED SUPPORT REQUIRES iOS 14. Full List at https://www.gentlemencoders.com/extended-raw/index.html) RAW support is downloaded in the background by Apple. Your device must be on WiFi and plugged in to get updates. — Great with JPEGs, TIFFs, PNGs, and most DNGs — Video Tutorials (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7l78rOzFxaHG-e5AT-MGWQ) RAW POWER for MAC RAW Power is also available on the Mac App Store as a Photos Extension and standalone app with Photos Library support. Rated 4.5 stars worldwide! ABOUT GENTLEMEN CODERS Gentlemen Coders was founded by a former Senior Director of Engineering at Apple. For more information, visit www.gentlemencoders.com.

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